Minggu, 28 Oktober 2012

Creating Harmony Life, by Togetherness and Tolerance

Faith was the principal of life, which is included in Human Right and nation has confessed it to be embraced by every people especially in Indonesia. By having faith, every people will have their own orientation for what they live here, and also, they will have a strong conviction in order to create the harmony life between each person in their environment. What is the unique of Indonesia, especially about faith? Indonesias was the country that has so many type of faith, from Islam, Christian, Buddhist, Hindu, Catholic, and etc., on another hand most of ism form that principal faith, had developed in Indonesia. But the question, how to create peaceful in this country? The answer is togetherness and respect. Nowadays, SARA was become the main issue in Indonesia, because of the diversity of Indonesia, every people can be pitted by this issue. This issue has become the concern of our government in order to solve and try to unite every people. Indonesia was the largest Island Nation that has spread from Sabang and Merauke. Every Island hs their own family, form example Java with Java Family, Betawi Family, Sunda Family, Kalimantan with their Dayak Family, Irian Jaya with their Papua Family, Sumatera with their Batak Family, and etc. every family will have their own faith. But let’s imagine, if every family will regard that their faith are the right one. It will become disaster because every people will impel their faith to be believed with other people, moreover there will be hostility. One thing that was so important was every nation has regulated the freedom from every people to believe one faith. Besides that, Indonesia was the country that has enacted Pancasila as the base of this nation. Pancasila was born from reflection of Ir. Soekarno as the first president in Indonesia. From Pancasila, it shown that Indonesia is country that honor of people which have strong faith, by the sound of Pancasila in first sentence, belief in the one and only God.

  • Diversity as the power for this nation to be Development Country
Diversity in Indonesia should become the power to develop this country. Faith should not become the barrier to make Indonesia as the big country that can be model for every country in the world about the harmonization between every religion follower. Faith as the basic of life will try to guide every people to become the agent that will bring the nation into development country. Interfaith will teach us about how to respect with others perspective about religion. Every religion has their own truth. As the youth and young generation, we should support the big theme of this nation to increase the safety of this big nation by keeping the harmonization of life between each religion follower. Young generation can become the promoter to support this, by:
  1. Giving some action by making discussion about interfaith, especially small groups discussion that can began from Senior High School, and can be continued until youth summit like this forum.
  2. Trying to make cultural approach to unite every people from different family and nation. Culture has the biggest impact for making unity. It can be seen from the music, dancing, and etc. Music was the general tools for making people aware that they was unity, and also, can make people from other religion aware that they God, that teach them about kindness.
As the Muslim, the writer does believe that every religion has taught about kindness. Islam, Christian, Buddhist, Hindu, Catholic, ask the follower to spread love. There is no instruction to make war, and makes terrorism action to kill human.
  • Stop Violence Action
There are so many issues that has been heard, and it was made people confuses about the peaceful that should be created in this world. For example, case of Rohingnya which was made us thought that there is no peace and there is no tolerance between each religion follower there. In Indonesia, a few days ago, we heard about case of SARA in Sampang, Madura, East Java. All of the case that happened because of there is no togetherness that has been appeared in their heart. All of us live in the same earth, same country, same family, the question that appeared was why there should be violence action, moreover killing their own family. It should become contemplation, what’s wrong with us. As the human, human rights always become the hot issue to be spoken, but human right was regulated the freedom for people to live and believe their religion, but when there is violence action happened, human right like forgotten by each people.
  • Developing Harmony Life by Respect Each Other
Harmony life is the dream from each people. Harmony life can bring us peaceful everywhere we live. There is no afraid, or stress that will appear when harmony life can be created in the wide atmosphere. As we all know, society now was so tired by hearing a violence action on behalf of SARA. Society missed the tranquility, where each peole can walk in every place without afraid. How about faith? The writer believes that every religion teach us to bring kindness and make the calm atmosphere. There is no religion which teach the follower to do criminal action, or terrorism action, more over threaten others faiths. As the moslem, the writer has been taught to respect with others religion.
In this era, faith has become the necessity which most of people trying to search about the truth. Every religion has their own truth, but there will no different basic of religion that should be contested. Every people have their own truth, and there is no right for them to enforce other people to follow what they have followed. If we understand about human right, we will try to apply the harmony life to create the comfortable atmosphere.
The new paradigm for interfaith that should be created in the 21st century is developing nation from harmony life, which can be created by applying togetherness and tolerance. By togetherness and tolerance, every people can do well their job, without discrimination, every people will get safety to do their activity. In the 21st century, we should close the issue about violence on behalf of SARA. The tragedy that happened in 2012, especially in Myanmar and Indonesia, should become the lesson for all of us, that until now, we still become human that cannot respect with each other. We still become human that egoistic with our prominence, moreover we forget the human right until there is casualties that have been caused from that tragedy. Human beings should be treated as human and sense of humanity. From interfaith summit, we can respect people in the different religion, and trying to spread love. As young generation, we have a duty to give understanding for other people all over the world, that as human who has a faith to God, we believe that we can live in the world by peaceful, and give the best service for human, and also for God, as the one that we believe about the power of God, who has created earth and the universe. The last, from this essay, the writer hope that it will bring new paradigm that will make other people trying to open mind and can live together in diversity.
Unity in Diversity”

Mahasiswa Jurusan Biologi UGM

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